Most everyone has received a letter from a credit card company stating that they have been pre-approved for a certain credit limit at a certain low APR. If you want to stop receiving those pre-screened letters, you can opt-out. Go to and submit an electronic request, which will opt you out for 5 years or a request by mail, which will opt you out permanently. You can always opt back in through the website.
Opting out will reduce the junk mail, save paper, help prevent identity theft, and will disallow credit scoring agencies from giving out your name, address, and credit score to any credit card company that pays to ask.
If you receive unsolicited calls from telemarketers, you can put yourself on the Do Not Call Registry. This will not prevent companies that you have given your phone number to from calling, but it should stop any new solicitations. Also, when anyone from an unwanted company calls, tell them that you are on the Do Not Call Registry and that should ward some of them off as well.
If you receive a lot of magazine offers, donation requests, catalogs for local businesses that you have not asked for, or bank offers, the Direct Mail Association might be responsible. To opt out of their mailing list, go to the DMAchoice website. You have to register first and then you can 'manage' what type of mail you want to receive.
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