One way to save money on your grocery bill is to use coupons. You can sign up for the Sunday newspaper only and most likely you can sign up through Groupon or a similar site. Today, for example, there is a Groupon in LA for one year of the LA times Sunday newspaper for $10. You can recuperate your $10 pretty quickly if you look at the coupon section.
The trick to couponing is to clip the coupons that you think you could use. Then, you should look through the weekly store flyer and make a shopping list of the items that you need and preferably that will include the items on sale that week. Then, you should look through your stack of coupons and see if you can use any of them. If you base your grocery list on the coupons, you might end up buying something that you do not need.
To be more organized, create a couple of envelopes. One for the coupons expiring this month and one for the ones expiring after that. You can also further divide them by food items and household items. This way, you can flip through only the coupons that are expiring the soonest when you go shopping as sometimes you know that you will need to buy mayonnaise next week and even though it is not on sale, your coupon is expiring so why not get the mayo at a discount.
Other than getting your coupons from the Sunday newspaper, you can also look at the coupon websites such as and other sites. You can try the manufacturer's site for coupons that they post directly and lastly you can contact the manufacturer themselves complimenting them on the products you like. This will usually mean that you will receive some coupons directly from the manufacturer in the mail. Sometimes, the manufacturers send out coupons for the full value of the item.
For motivation, you can watch the new Extreme Couponing show by TLC. You can download the first episode free on iTunes.
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