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Friday, March 11, 2011

Dave Ramsey's Baby Steps

Dave Ramsey is a hugely popular financial adviser. I like listening to his radio show just to see what his opinions are, even though a lot of the times, I do not agree with what he says. Here is the just of what he advises through his 7 baby steps:

  1. Save $1,000
  2. Pay off all debt, but the mortgage (this includes student loans)
  3. Save 3-6 months in an emergency fund
  4. Invest 15% of your income in retirement
  5. Fund college education for children
  6. Pay off your home
  7. Build wealth and donate
 I think having a step process works for most people. However, not every household has the same factors in their financial life. I do have to credit him with saying that cheating baby steps in some circumstances might be okay, however, he does not seem to endorse it. I've heard his say, for example, that if you have an unstable job, you should increase the savings that you do in baby step one. However, he is never clear with how much.

I still believe in Suze Orman's idea of saving an 8 month emergency fund and then paying down the debt like student loans. Of course, if you have credit card debt at high interests and you feel pretty safe at your job, you could get by on a smaller emergency fund until your credit card debt is paid off.

I also think that Liz Weston has a point when she says that you can never catch up on your contributions for retirement. Therefore, I think that getting the employer's match in a 401(k) is a priority over paying for debt.

See my blog post on Prioritizing Savings to see what my personal 8 steps are.

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