The largest asset you have is you. The greatest obstacle for you moving ahead in your financial life is your salary. If you could earn more, wouldn't it be easier for you to accomplish the things you want financially? The answer should be yes if you are not going to inflate your lifestyle with your salary.
Since you answered yes, it means that you must know when to move on. You have to know when you can no longer progress within your company and you have reached the challenge level or the salary level that you can. It might be hard to make a change sometimes, your company might have a 401(k) that's not fully vested or maybe they promised a bonus. However, remember that if you've reached the limit, seeking another job now will make your future 401(k) vest sooner and you will be able to prove yourself faster to get another bonus at your future company. Therefore, make goals of what you want to make in the future and make sure you are doing what you need to, to attain these goals.
If you thought that a particular stock you are holding would not increase in value in the future, but would only provide a stable low dividend, wouldn't you want to sell the stock and buy something that would give you a regular dividend that's larger and would have the potential to increase in value? Think of your job as a stock and see if it helps to analyze it that way.
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