One way to save money on your grocery bill is to buy everything fresh and cook from scratch. Packaged food is usually a lot more expensive even with deals and coupons. However, packaged food is often easier and are a great way to go for a busy night.
There is an easy way to tell if you are getting a good deal or not. See what you usually pay for fresh food per pound and apply that pricing to packaged food. For example, most of the fruits, vegetables, and meat that I buy are around $.99/lbs, maybe $1.19/lbs. Therefore, I look at the packaging I buy and if 16 oz of something is about a dollar, then the package is a good deal.
You might spend $1.99/lbs on fruits, veggies, and meat on average, so, for you a 16 oz package of something should cost around $2, an 8 oz package should be a round a dollar and so on.
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